Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Entrance to Legoland Germany
Gunzburg, Germany
Lego Lunch!
Legoland, Gunzburg, Germany

GAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! LEGOS! Everywhere! That’s pretty much how my brain was during our whole visit. I was geeking out like crazy and it was so much fun! They made some truly amazing things out of Legos and the rides were fun too! We even got to watch them making Legos, albeit souvenir Legos and not actual bricks for sale.

Flying Ninjago Ride
Legoland, Gunzburg, Germany
Joe and Jason riding Hero Factory
Legoland, Gunzburg, Germany

The coolest ride was a flying ride. Your seat came with wings you could control, Icarus style, and the 9 seats flew together in a large ellipse. If you flapped your wings in the right way you could spin upside down. The guy in front of me was spinning around like crazy, but I opted to remain level-headed.

Look! It's Venice!
Legoland, Gunzburg, Germany
Karl Benz seems to have crashed his 1886 Benz Patent Motor Car
Legoland, Gunzburg, Germany

The worst ride was this this called Hero Factory and you sit in these giant robot arms that twist you around like they do to component parts in a factory. Jason and Joe loved it and rode it 3 times. Once was enough to completely throw off my equilibrium and make me wobbly-stomached the rest of the day. It was at this point that I became official ride photographer; I stood to the side with all the other moms, waving and snapping pictures as the boys went by.
Darth Maul attacks with the force
Legoland, Gunzburg, Germany
Making Legos in the factory
Legoland, Gunzburg, Germany

My favorite part of the day was the Lego Factory shop. All around the store were bins of Legos sorted by shape and color; they were sold by the kilogram. I went a little crazy with the scooping, but it was great! And now, I can build a ridiculous house boat for my mini-figures.

Useful Links!
Pictures from Our Trip!
Visiting Legoland Germany
Check out the REAL Venice
Check out the REAL Benz Motor Car

Yes that is a clown riding a house boat. 

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